
Welcome to Elizabethtown, White Lake and Bladen County
Also Known As

Whether you’re driving down tree-lined streets of Elizabethtown, swimming in the crystal clear waters of White Lake, or enjoying one of many recreational facilities; the Elizabethtown-White Lake area of North Carolina is truly a “great place to visit and a better place to live!” Rarely do two municipalities complement each other as well as Elizabethtown and White Lake.

In addition to its viable downtown commercial district with canopied, family-owned shops and its outlying shopping centers, Elizabethtown possesses an aura of charm and southern hospitality that is truly unique.  The area also boasts prime industrial sites, available manpower, and an abundant water supply from the Cape Fear River.

Located seven miles from Elizabethtown, White Lake is a true phenomenon of nature. It is a Carolina Bay with 1065 acres of spring-fed fresh water, a white sandy bottom, and a gently sloping shoreline.  White Lake is one of the most popular summer resorts in the Southeastern United States.

Whether you are relocating or visiting, Elizabethtown¹s small-town charm and White Lake’s resort atmosphere provide comfortable southern living opportunities.

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